Yuma Aeromodelers Radio Controlled Airshow -- Feb. 25, 2012

The day was beautiful. Clear blue sky, temperature very warm. A friend(Dave) and I went out to the airshow, leaving his place around 9:30am. We arrived at the park where the show was to take place around 15 minutes later. We found a parking spot near the entrance and unloaded our chairs from the vehicle and proceeded to the main seating area. The park was already packed with people and participants. We found a spot to park our chairs in the rear of the seating area. Soon a spot came open near the center and we moved. About 30 minutes later, another spot came open at the front, right next to the perimeter fence, so we moved there. This was a perfect spot for viewing and to take pictures from. Here is a few photos and a short home made movie.

The nerve center

This helicopter has a camera attached to it. Cost was said to be around $9500.00

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