Wellton, Arizona

We are in Wellton, AZ having arrived here Saturday, October 31st. We are in Pioneer RV Park, spot 50. Travelling from home (Kamloops, BC) to here was an adventure. From home & travelling on Hwy 97 through Monte Lake, Westwold, and into Vernon we had snow & slush on the road and on the edges of the road. After travelling through Vernon & Kelowna and snow free, we stopped at Midtown RV in Penticton to pick up a couple of parts for the motorhome. We left there and after a few brief moments crossing the border we were in the US before sundown. It was an uneventful drive until we were about 5 km north of Omak, WA. Time was about 5:15pm. There standing in the ditch not more than 5o feet from us was bambi. There was no time to react, as bambi decided it was time to cross the road. Well bambi met the motorhome headon. We stopped about a 100 feet down the road as we just knew there was damage to the motorhome. Yep, the front end that houses the generator was pushed in about 5 inches an one side & about two inches on the otherside. Also looking down the road, there laid bambi on the white line.... dead

After notifying the Washington State Police & they attending. Filling out a report were on our way again. We stayed overnight at Dry Falls State Park, WA as we encountered rain and as it got darker, the fog got thicker. In the morning the fog was still present but we could see the road better. We proceeded on that day and drove till we got to Wells, NV. Stayed overnight at the parking lot across from the casino & fuel stop. The next morning we drove on and we arrived here at the park about 8:40 pm. Total distance driven from Kamloops to here was 1637 miles. I changed the GPS over to miles once we got into the US.

1 comment:

Debbie Kennedy said...

Awww, poor Bambi...and poor you guys. That's terrible...hope that it wasn't too much to get the motorhome fixed...look forward to hearing about some of the other adventures...perhaps happier ones! Happy Farming...